Batavia Software - IT Services

Not purely an IT company, BSD offers complete software solutions, and is more than capable and willing to support your IT infrastructure, whether installed by us or a third party. 

We understand proper configuration of the IT equipment and software is essential for resources' efficiency and long term reliability. 

Database Management

BSD recommends MySQL in most applications but we are also comfortable with MS SQL, SQLite or Microsoft Databases such as MS Access or MS Exel.

Computer Configuration

PC and server configuration such as static IPs, RAID, opening of ports, scripting, scheduled tasks, backups, anti-virus, domains, automatic logins and much more.

Remote Support

We all know things can go wrong, especially in the computer business where every Microsoft update could have a negative impact on your productivity. 
Batavia Software can provide ease of mind by installing remote access software on every single computer or server for immediate access (note BSD uses trusted industry standard third party connection software such as Teamviewer or Connectwise)